First Meeting: May 11, 1940 - Colgate University
Papers Presented
- A Plan for Freshman Mathematics, T. F. Cope, Queens College (CUNY)
- An Application of Analytic Geometry to Cryptography, R. E. Huston, RPI
- Errors in American College Mathematics Texts, A. B. Brown, Queens College
- Jacobian Circles of the Biquadratic, B. C. Patterson, Hamilton College
- Complex Roots of a Polynomial Equation, H. N. Gehman, University of Buffalo
- Representation of a Class of Functions by Stieltjes Integrals, B. A. Lengyel, RPI
- A Locus Associated with the Pascal Line, E. R. Ott, University of Buffalo
- The convergence and Summability of Series, R. P. Agnew, Cornell University
Second Meeting: May 3, 1941 - Cornell University
Papers Presented
- The Potential Function in Electro-dynamics, R. E. Street, RPI
- A Course on the Significance of Mathematics, H. F. Montague, University of Buffalo
- Some Applications of Mathematics to Serial Mapping, E. F. Church, Syracuse University
- Report on a Survey of the mathematical Preparations for Defense, E. B. Allen, RPI
- An Extension of Hill’s Method in Cryptography, B. W. Jones, Cornell University
- Quadrilaterals Inscribed and Circumscribed to Curves of the Third and Second Degree, respectively, with a Common Line of Symmetry, Rev. W. A. Scheier, St. Bonaventure College
- Class Interval Assumptions in Frequency Distributions, H. A. DoBell, NYS College for Teachers at Albany
- Generating Functions in the Theory of Statistics, J. H. Curtiss, Cornell University
Third Meeting: May 10, 1947 - University of Rochester
Papers Presented
- Electronic Digital Calculators, R. D. O’Niel, Eastman Kodak Company
- Absolutely and Completely Monotonic Functions, Harry Pollard, Cornell University
- Eccentricity and Slope, Harriet Montague, University at Buffalo
- Familiarity and Understanding in Mathematics, S. S. Cairns, Syracuse University
- The Present Mathematical Situation and Next Steps in the Teaching of Mathematics,
- William Betz, Rochester Public Schools
Fourth Meeting: May 1, 1948 - Union College
Papers Presented
- Auxiliary Tricks which make Mathematical Notions Stick, Rev. B. Kuhn, Siena College
- Complex Geometry, B. C. Patterson, Hamilton College
- Non-planar Graphs, Bryant Tuckerman, Cornell University
- The History of Topics in Analytic Geometry, Vera Sanford, Oneonta State Teachers College
- Some Models that are Useful in the Teaching of High School and College Mathematics,
- Ruth Stokes, Syracuse University
- Oriented Elements in Analytic Geometry, W. J. Bruns, Syracuse University
- Monotonic Transformations, Applied Mathematics, Hillel Poritsky, General Electric Co.
Fifth Meeting: April 30, 1949 - University of Buffalo
Friday Evening Address
Arithmetical Games and Phyllotaxis, H. S. M. Coxeter, University of Toronto
Papers Presented
- The Excenters of a Hyperbolic Triangle, H. S. M. Coxeter, University of Toronto
- The Addition Formulas of Trigonometry, J. F. Randolph, University of Rochester
- An Algebraic Algorithm, N. G. Gunderson, University of Rochester
- Mathematics in New York State Institutes, I. S. Boak, NYSA&T Institute, Canton
- Flying Inertias, E. T. Welmers, Bell Aircraft Corp.
- Extra-Sensory Perception, a Problem in the Theory of Confirmation, J. E. Freund, Alfred University
Sixth Meeting: April 22, 1950 - Syracuse University
Papers Presented
- Models and Methods, R. C. Yates, U. S. Military Academy
- The Problem of Eight Points, W. B. Carver, Cornell University
- Some Educational Problems in New York State, C. V. Newsom, NYS Education Dept.
- On Space Frames and Plane Trusses, N. E. Goheen, Syracuse University
- Analytic Solutions of Non-linear Differential Equations, R. D. Larsson, Clarkson College of Technology
- Difference and Differential Equations in Probability Theory, Murray Rosenblatt, Cornell University
- The Tutorial system at the University of Buffalo, Harriet Montague, University of Buffalo
Seventh Meeting: May 5, 1951 - Hamilton College
Papers Presented
- A Doubly Oscillating Pendulum, A. K. Waltz, Clarkson College of Technology
- The Bivariate Normal Distribution and Applications, J. E. Freund, Alfred University
- Extremal Problems Treated by Elementary Methods, W. H. Fuchs, Cornell University
- Report of the Committee on the Relations of Secondary School and College Mathematics, M. F. Rosskopf (Chair), Syracuse University
- A Theorem in Measure Theory and Applications to Statistics, Esther Seiden, University of Buffalo
- Some Classes of Power Series, Frederick Bagemihl, University of Rochester
- Some Inequalities in Differential Geometry, Charles Loewner, Syracuse University
- The Sum of a Generalized harmonic Series and Some Related Results, M. R. Spiegel, RPI
Eighth Meeting: May 10, 1952 - Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Papers Presented
- Parallel Plate Optics, F. D. Parker, St. Lawrence University
- The Problem Section of the Monthly, H. W. Eves, Champlain College, SUNY
- High Speed computing and its Effects on Teaching, William Durfee, National Bureau of Standards
- A Freshman Looks at Mathematics, W. B. Pitt, University of Rochester student
- A Mean Value Theorem and Inequalities, K. A. Bush, Champlain College, SUNY
- Functions of Subdivisions and Their Use in Advanced Undergraduate Mathematics, Dorothy Bernstein, University of Rochester
- The Leibniz Characteristic Triangle, Frances Baker, Vassar College
Ninth Meeting: May 9, 1953 - United States Military Academy
Papers Presented
- The Teaching of Mathematics at West Point, W. W. Bessell, U. S. Military Academy
- Color and Mathematics, Nura Turner, SUNY College for Teachers at Albany
- The Conigraph, E. I. Gale, Norland, Ontario
- Conic Sections and Other Curves on the Screen and in Space, Ruth Stokes, Syracuse University
- The Mangler Transformation, Irwin Stoner, Bell Aircraft Corp.
- Teaching a Course in the History of Elementary Mathematics, Howard Eves, Champlain College, SUNY
Tenth Meeting: May 1, 1954 - NYS College for Teachers at Albany
Papers Presented
- A Program for the Preparation of Secondary School Teachers of Mathematics, R. A. Beaver, NYS College for Teachers at Albany
- Potential of a Charged Cylinder Between Two Parallel Grounded Plates, Hillel Poritsky, General Electric Co.
- Statistics and Engineering, Roger Lessard, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal
- The 1953 Summer Conference in Collegiate Mathematics, Ethel Callahan, Hartwick College
- Representations of Compact Lie Groups, A. J. Coleman, University of Toronto
- Mathematics as Taught to Engineers by Dr. Steinmetz, P. L. Alger, General Electric Co.
- A Non-linear Problem from Nuclear Reactor Theory, A. H. Fox, Union College
- Modern Differential Geometry and its Application to Relativity, Valdemars Punga, RPI
Eleventh Meeting: May 14, 1955 - University of Buffalo
Papers Presented
- The Need of Mathematics in Business Research, W. L. Murdock, General Electric Co.
- Teaching Computing Without a Computer, J. F. Randolph, University of Rochester
- Teaching Computing With a Computer, J. B. Rosser, Cornell University
- Rigor in Undergraduate Mathematics, F. D. Parker, Clarkson College of Technology
- The Problem of a Blind Student of Mathematics, Irving Bentsen, University of Rochester
- Hyperbolic Triangles, H. S. M. Coxeter, University of Toronto
Twelfth Meeting: April 28, 1956 - Alfred University
Invited Addresses
- Mathematics in Industry, T. C. Fry, Bell Telephone Laboratories
- Mathematics for Statisticians, J. E. Freund, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Papers Presented
- A Fundamental Limit and its Applications, N. J. Pascual, Siena College
- Some Special Determinants, F. R. Olson, University of Buffalo
- False Solutions in Elementary Extremum Problems, C. S. Ogilvy, Hamilton College
Thirteenth Meeting: May 4, 1957 - Skidmore College
Invited Addresses
- The College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Placement Program, C. R. Keller, CEEB and Department of History, Williams College
- The Mathematics of “Operations Research”, A. W. Jones, Bell Telephone Laboratories
Papers Presented
- A Proof of the Isoperimetric Property of the Circle, A. G. Davis, Clarkson College of Technology
- The Matrix Equation X2 = I over a Finite Field, J. H. Hodges, University of Buffalo
- Vector Methods in Elementary Analytic Geometry, Victors Linis, University of Ottowa
- Strategy and Tactics in Mathematics, R. B. Davis, Syracuse University
Fourteenth Meeting: May 10, 1958 - University of Montreal
Invited Addresses
- The Canadian Mathematical Congress, R. L. Jeffery, Queen’s University
- Training Teachers of Mathematics, A. Wittenberg, Laval University
Papers Presented
- The Mathematical Analysis of the English Verb Phrase, Joachim Lambek, McGill University
- The Logic of Algebra and the Algebra of Logic, L. O. Kattsoff, Harpur College
- Convex Representation of Planar Graphs, W. T. Tutte, University of Toronto
- The Spherical Image, C. S. Ogilvy, Hamilton College
- On the Classical Characterizations of the Existence a.e. of a Derivative for Functions of One Real Variable, A. G. Fadell, University of Buffalo
- The Minimax Theorem (Another Simple Proof), J. E. L. Peck, McGill University
Fifteenth Meeting: May 9, 1959 - Hartwick College
Invited Addresses
- Changes in the Certification Climate, R. F. Kille, University of the State of New York
- Rings and Modules, R. E. Johnson, Smith College (MAA Visiting Lecturer)
Papers Presented
- Partial Product Calculators, E. I. Gale, Brockville Bible College
- The Honors Course in Mathematics at the University of Buffalo, Edith Schneckenburger, University of Buffalo
- The NSF In-Service Institute at Oneonta State Teachers College, C. E. Rusch, Oneonta State Teachers College
- A Report on the Teaching of Analytic Geometry over Closed Circuit Television, Violet Larney, NYS Teachers College at Albany
- Analytical Radon Curves, H. G. Nelfenstein, University of Ottowa
- The Characterization of Classes of Orthogonal Polynomials, A. E. Denese, Union College
- A Certain Discrete Density Function, Rev. N. A. Hanhauser, Siena College
- Polynomials and Functions, L. O. Kattsoff, Harpur College
Sixteenth Meeting: May 7, 1960 - University of Rochester
Papers Presented
- A Problem in Probability, , A. G. Davis, Clarkson College of Technology
- Approximately Continuous Functions, A. G. Fadell, University of Buffalo
- Lagrange’s Theorem and Stationary Functions, R. J. Pegis, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co.
- Methods to Treat Mathematical Problems with Symmetry of Rotation, M. J. Nerzberger, Eastman Kodak Co.
- A Useful Course in Geometry for Future High School Teachers, Israel Halperin, Queen’s University
- Mathematics in Industrial Research, E. W. Marchand, Eastman Kodak Co.
- The Case for a General Education Course in Mathematics, Harriet Montague, University of Buffalo
- Teaching Experiences with a High School Supplementary Mathematics Program, G. R. Rising, Greece Olympia High School
- A Modification of Birkhoff’s Axioms for High School Geometry, Roland Brossard, Universite de Montreal
- Some Elementary Aspects of Integral Geometry, W. R. Baum, Syracuse University
- Finite Geometries and the Four Color Problem, W. T. Tutte, University of Toronto
Seventeenth Meeting: April 29, 1961 - Harpur College
Papers Presented
- On Goodman’s Conjecture, N. W. Pownall, Colgate University
- A Duality of Maximum-minimum Theory, C. S. Ogilvy, Hamilton College
- On Asymmetry in Fields, J. D. Reid, Syracuse University
- The CUPM Program for Engineers, R. J. Walker, Cornell University
- On Evaluating Certain Real Integrals by Cauchy’s Residue Theorem, O. J. Farrell and B. Ross, Union College
- On Iterations with Errors, Peter Frank, Syracuse University
- Maximality and Reflexive-symmetric Relations, A. R. Bednarek, University of Buffalo
- A Generalization of the Contraction Mapping Theorem and its Numerical Applications, W. C. Rheinboldt, Syracuse University
Eighteenth Meeting: May 5, 1962 - Clarkson College of Technology
Papers Presented
- A Note on Vibrations with Heavy Damping, E. E. Haskins, Clarkson College of Technology
- Accessibility in Pair-homogeneous Cut-point Graphs, N. W. Pownall, Colgate University
- Analogue of Cauchy’s Formula in non-Archimedean Fields, Victors Linis, University of Ottowa
- A Self-determining Sequence Leading to Markov Chains, Alexander Nagel, Bronx High School of Science
- An Obvious Theorem with Some Non-obvious Consequences, Norman Miller, Queen’s University
- Programmed Instruction in College and High School Mathematics, B. H. Gore, Hamilton College and A. L. Buchman, NYS Education Department
- Studies Resulting from the Results of the 1961 High School Mathematics Contest in the Upstate Section of New York, Nura Turner, SUNY College for Teachers at Albany
- The Mathematical Enrichment for Secondary School Students at Clarkson College of Technology, R. D. Larsson, Clarkson College of Technology
Nineteenth Meeting: April 23, 1963 - SUNY at Buffalo
Papers Presented
- The Undergraduate Program at the University of Rochester, R. E. Johnson, University of Rochester
- The Undergraduate Preparation of Graduate Students, Erik Hemmingsen, Syracuse University
- Remarks, R. N. Bing, President of MAA
- Five Years as Contest Chairman of the Upper New York State Section, Nura Turner, SUNY College for Teachers at Albany
- Some Generalizations of the Cantor-Lebesgue Theorem, T. E. Nott, SUC at Fredonia
- Dimension of a Module, R. E. Johnson, University of Rochester
- Similar Configurations in Measurable Sets, T. A. Bick, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
- On the Dialectical Triad, and Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Dialectical Process,
- W. A. Small, SUC at Geneseo
- On Inscribed Rectangles, N.S. Klamkin, SUNY at Buffalo
- Stellating the 24-Cell, B. L. Chilton, SUNY at Buffalo
Twentieth Meeting: May 16, 1964 - State Education Department of the State of New York
Papers Presented
- Recent Developments in N.Y. State Secondary Education, Frank Hawthorne, NYS Education Department
- Some Aspects of the Madison Project, R. N. Exner, Syracuse University
- The NYS College Proficiency Examination Program, R. A. Beaver, SUNY at Albany
- The Algebra of Reflexive Relations, F. D. Parker, SUNY at Buffalo
- An Inclusion Theorem for Nordlund Means, P. T. Schaefer, SUNY at Albany
- Moments and Cumulants - and Consequences, N. P. Salz, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory
- Accumulated Truncation Errors in Simpson’s Method, C. E. Rhodes, Alfred University
- Utterly Integer Valued Entire Functions, D. Sato, University of Saskatchewan at Regina
- Neighborly Vertices in a Polyhedron, Victors Linis, University of Ottowa
Twenty-First Meeting: May 15, 1965 - Colgate University
Invited Address
Methods in the Four Color Problem, O. Ore, Yale University
Papers Presented
- Linear Transformations, Matrices, and Trigonometry, A. R. Amir-Moez, Clarkson College of Technology
- Coordinate Free Calculus and the “Invariant” Laplacian, W. Eberlein, University of Rochester
- Problems in Associativity and the Embedding of Semigroups into Groups, Dov Tamari, SUNY at Buffalo
- The Pre-Graduate Panel of CUPM, L. Gillman, University of Rochester
- Non-Unique Solutions of Linear Equations with Non-Singular matrix, R. D. Larrson, Mohawk Valley Community College
Twenty-Second Meeting: May 14, 1966 - St. Bonaventure University
Invited Address
The General Curriculum in Mathematics for Colleges, A. W. Tucker, Princeton University, Representing CUPM
Papers Presented
- A Generalization of the Consecutive Non-square Free Integer Problem, C. J. Parry, SUC at Oswego, Undergraduate Papers Contest Winner
- Secondary School Mathematics - Present and Future, Frank Hawthorne, NYS Education Department
- Finite Calculus, H. A. Still, Queen’s University
- Projection Matrices and the Generalized Inverse, J. C. Boot, SUNY at Buffalo
Twenty-Third Meeting: May 20, 1967 - SUNY Plattsburgh
Invited Address
How to Tell that a Simple Overhand Knot is Really Knotted, E. E. Noise, Harvard University, President of MAA
Papers Presented
- On the Solution of Cantor’s Problem, Andrey Feuerverger, McGill University, Undergraduate Papers Contest Winner
- Dimension Theory, D. W. Henderson, Cornell University
- Naming the Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric Group, A. J. Coleman, Queen’s University
- Duo Rings and a Theorem of Jacobson, H. E. Bell, Union College
- Recent CUPM Proposals in Mathematics for Engineers, R. J. Walker, Cornell University
First Fall Meeting: November 4, 1967 - State University College at Buffalo
Papers Presented
- Unit Intervals in Arbitrary Fields, Michael Gemignani, SUNY at Buffalo
- Approximation Theory, R. E. Dowds, SUC at Fredonia
- Colors and Queens, F. D. Parker, St. Lawrence University
- Experimental Work in Elementary and Secondary Mathematics in the USSR, Nura Turner, SUNY at Albany
- The Combinatorial Problem of the Counting of Corridors, G. J. van der Maas and A. Thuswaldner, Northern Electric Laboratories, Ottawa
- Almost Convergent and Almost Summable Sequences, Paul Schaefer, SUC at Geneseo
- Unitary Near-Rings on Generalized Quaternion Groups, C. J. Maxson, SUC at Fredonia
Twenty-Fourth Spring Meeting: May 11, 1968 - Hamilton College
Papers Presented
- Iterated Radicals, C. S. Ogilvy, Hamilton College
- Some Characterizations of Near-Fields, C. J. Maxson, SUC at Fredonia
- Direct Calculation ofMatrix Functions by Idempotent Matrices, V. Lovass-Nagy and D. L. Powers, Clarkson College of Technology
- Do it with Points and Lines, F. Buekenhout, SUNY at Buffalo
The First Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Algebra of Rectangular Matrices , M. F. Smiley, SUNY Albany
Second Fall Meeting: November 9, 1968 - RPI
Papers Presented
- Application of Recurrence Relations to Prove Algebraic Identities, E. T. Frankel, Schenectady, NY
- Integer Approximation of Rationals, A. Thuswaldner, Northern Electric Laboratories, Ottowa
- Multicoherence in Graphs, D. V. Vittum and C. J. Houghton, SUNY at Binghamton
- Things Like the Euler Characteristic in Graphs, D. E. Scheim, Undergraduate, University of Rochester
- Preliminary Reports from CUPM Panels, N. W. Pownall, Colgate University and R. D. Larrson, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Report on the Upstate New York MAA Contest Section, N. D. Turner, SUNY at Albany
- Uniform Convergence on Classes of Subsets, R. C. Shiflett, Wells College
- A Note on Nonlinear Models in Two Dimensional Cavitating Flow, K. N. Agrwal and A. C. Smith, University of Windsor
- Rotational Gas Flows with Straight and Circular Streamlines, Om Parkash Chanda and A. C. Smith, University of Windsor
Twenty-Fifth Spring Meeting: May 10, 1969 - University of Western Ontario
Papers Presented
- Toward a Geometry from City Streets, A. G. Davis, Clarkson College of Technology
- On Lp, 1 < p <1, L. T. Gardner, University of Toronto
- Solution of Certain Differential Equations using Dirichlet Series, R. D. Larrson, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Toeplitz Basic Sequences in a Locally Convex Metric Space, D. R. Kerr, SUNY at Albany
- Bounds on the Magnitude of the Coefficients of the Cyclotomic Polynomials, Sister Marion Beiter, Rosary Hill College
- A Note on Multiplicative Functions, A. Somayajulu, Canisius College
- Extraction of Homogeneous Parts of a Polynomial Transformation and the Pure Derivative Theorem, S. Gagola, SUNY at Buffalo, Undergraduate Papers Contest Winner
The Second Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Induced and Subduced Representations of Groups, A. J. Coleman, Queen’s University
Third Fall Meeting: November 1, 1969 - Canisius College
Invited Address
A. B. Willcox, Executive Director, MAA
Papers Presented
- Extensional Determinant Identities, R. G. Van Meter, St. Lawrence University
- A Class of Ring Extensions, C. W. Kohls, Syracuse University
- The Anti-Center of P-Groups, W. Kappe, SUNY at Binghamton
- Completely Adequate Neighborhood Systems, S. O’Reilly, Niagara University
- Report on the MAA High School Contest, N. D. Turner, SUNY at Albany
Twenty-Sixth Spring Meeting: May 16, 1970 - University of Rochester
Papers Presented
- Properties of 2-Structures, S. P. Cassens, SUC at Oswego
- Numerical Methods and the Calculus, L. Lardy, Syracuse University
- The First Digit Problem, R. Raimi, University of Rochester
The Third Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Mathematical Programming, P. Gilbert, Syracuse University
Fourth Fall Meeting: November 7, 1970 - SUNY Oswego
Invited Address
Topological Methods in Analysis, G. S. Young, University of Rochester
Papers Presented
- Embedding a Partially Ordered Ring in a Division Ring, W. H. Reynolds, SUC at Cortland
- Simple Proofs of Elementary Probability Theorems by Use of Indicator Functions, P. Tan, Carleton University
- Generalized Generalized Inverses, G. Rabson, Clarkson College of Technology
Twenty-Seventh Spring Meeting: May 8, 1971 - St. Lawrence University
Papers Presented
- Integration by Diagrams, D. S. Martin, SUC at Brockport
- A New Direction for Birkhoff’s Problem, R. C. Shiflett, Wells College
- Invariance Theorems in Probability, D. R. Beuerman, Queen’s University
- Seventeen Wallpaper Samples, D. Paine, Wells College and Cornell University
- Informal vs. Formal Mathematics, R. G. Van Meter, St. Lawrence University
The Fourth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Backward, Turn Backward, J. F. Randolph, RIT and University of Rochester
Fifth Fall Meeting: November 6, 1971 - SUNY Geneseo
Papers Presented
- Polar Coordinates Revisited, W. F. Eberlein, University of Rochester
- Calculus Without Limits, R. W. Sloan, Alfred University
- Metric Spaces for Freshmen, F. Dristy, SUC at Oswego
- A New View of the Elementary Teacher, R. E. Heintz, SUC at Buffalo
- Morphisms of Subrings of Real Matrix Rings into the Real Quaternions, W. H. Reynolds, SUC at Cortland
- Relatively Dense Sets in Groups, G. T. Frey, St. Bonaventure University
- Asymptotically Self-Invariant Sets, S. Leela, SUC at Geneseo
- The Derivation of Optimally Stable and Accurate 3-Stage, 1-Step, Explicit, Numerical Integration Methods, B. J. Nigro, Niagara County Community College
Twenty-Eighth Spring Meeting: May 13, 1972 - Clarkson College of Technology
Papers Presented
- Standard Questions and Principles of Modern Mathematics, W. E. Hartnett, SUC at Plattsburgh
- Unsolvability for Undergraduates, J. McKibben, Skidmore College
- Finding Derivatives and Limits Using the Definite Integral Formulas for Arc Length, Peter Lindstrom, Genesee Community College
- Texas Style Teaching at the Undergraduate Level, R. Stinebrickner, SUC at Potsdam
- Testing Whether a Multinomial Distribution is a Binomial Distribution of Order k, Sister R. Bertell, D’Youville College
- Mapping of a Linear 2-Normed Space into a Linear Normed Space, C. Diminnie and A. White, St. Bonaventure University
- A Canonical Form of Ideals in $\mathbb{Z}[t]$, S. Reyner, SUC at Oswego
- Representation of a Group by a Family of Partial Functions on a Set of Subgroups; Residual Properties, W. Reynolds, SUC at Cortland
- On the Bounds of p in Fermat’s Last Theorem, G. Guillotte, Massey-Vanier School
The Fifth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Problem of Geometry , W. Eberlein, University of Rochester
Sixth Fall Meeting: November 4, 1972 - Mohawk Valley Community College
Papers Presented
- A Computer Model Useful in Teaching Mathematics, W. E. Hartnett, SUC at Plattsburgh
- The Use of Infinitesimals in 18th Century Calculus, S. Regoczei, University of Toronto
- A Vector Space Approach to Problems of Statistical Inference, P. Tan, Carleton University
- Statistics Without Calculus for the Social Sciences, E. Weissner, LeMoyne College
- A Note on Embedding a Partially Ordered Ring in a Division Algebra, W. H. Reynolds, SUC at Cortland
- An Example of a Non-Strictly Convex Linear 2-Normed Space, A. White, St. Bonaventure University
- Hardy’s Inequality for Lp(1r) Functions, H. P. Heinig, McMaster University
- Map Coloring, Fibonacci Sequences, and the Golden Ratio, D. W. Hall, SUNY at Binghamton
- A Generalization of Buffon’s Needle Problem, F. A. Hacker, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Optimal Mixed Strategies for Allocation GamesI, D. Sankoff, University of Montreal
Twenty-Ninth Spring Meeting: May 12, 1973 - Rosary Hill College
Papers Presented
- The Computer Oriented Calculus Course at Clarkson, G. Rabson, Clarkson College of Technology
- Convergence Criteria for Rational Series, J. Kevins, Student, St. Bonaventure University
- A Net Characterization of the E-Transformation, J. H. Tsai, SUC at Geneseo
- Models of Ordinals, D. S. Martin, SUC at Brockport
- A Note on Graphs whose Neighborhoods are n-Cycles, B. L. Chilton, SUC at Fredonia
- The Permanent Function of a Symmetric Matrix, E. T. Hoefer, Rosary Hill College
- Transformation Semigroups Acting on Totally Ordered Spaces, D. Anson, Alfred University
- An Application of Logic, R. G. Van Meter, SUC at Oneonta
The Sixth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Communication Problems in Mathematics , K. May, University of Toronto
Seventh Fall Meeting: November 3, 1973 - Genesee Community College
Invited Addresses
- Interrelations between Combinatorial Designs, T. Storer, SUNY at Buffalo
- The Role of the MAA in the Two Year College, G. S. Young, University of Rochester
Papers Presented
- The Development of Perspective in Western Art, D. L. Farnsworth, Eisenhower College
- The Class of Integer Identities, R. DeCarli, Rosary Hill College
- Construction of Rings on the Cartesian Product of the Integers and an Ideal, N. W. Groman, SUC at Oswego
- The Trouble with Statistics, H. A. Still, Queen’s University
- Applied Mathematics - An Introduction via Models, R. F. Barnes, SUC at Brockport
- Teaching Calculus via Self-paced Instruction: Advantages (many) and Disadvantages (few),
- V. H. Reynolds, SUC at Cortland
- A New Approach to Leibnitzian Differentials, J. L. Delkin, University of Western Ontario
- A Characterization of Noncommutative Quaternion Rings, C. W. Kohls, Syracuse University
- APL Graphics for Undergraduate Students, K. Kim, SUC at Brockport
- APL in Teaching Numerical Analysis, J. E. McKenna, SUC at Fredonia
- Non-Equivalence of the Theorems of Helly and Radon in General Convexity Theory, R. E. Reed, SUC at Oneonta
- 2-Normed Space and Spaces with Euclidean Triangles, C. Diminnie and A. White, St. Bonaventure University
Thirtieth Spring Meeting: April 27, 1974 Union College
Invited Address
Recent Trends in Undergraduate Mathematical Programs, N. Pownall, Colgate University
Papers Presented
- Fuzzy Sets Theory, W. E. Hartnett, SUC at Plattsburgh
- Mathematical Models - or - Should Mathematics be Just a Set of Classroom Exercises?,
- A. C. Green, SUC at Buffalo
- Report on the National Conference for Personalized Instruction in Higher Education,
- W. H. Reynolds, SUC at Cortland
- Elementary Linear Algebra - Polynomial Evaluation of Functions Using Real Matrices,
- D. Fama, Auburn Community College
- Multi-Structured College Courses in General Education and Calculus, L. Copes, Syracuse University
- A Variable Instruction Program for Mathematics, J. A. Voytuk, RPI
- Examples of Two-Dimensional Symmetry by the Graphic Artist, M. C. Escher, S. C. Van Orden, Eisenhower College
- Fibonacci Bases of Egyptian Fractions, J. McKibben, Skidmore College
- Some Reasons to Doubt the Validity of Goldbach’s Conjecture, R. D. Larsson, Schenectady County Community College
- A Note on , P. Lindstrom, Genesee Community College
- Normality and Relative Density in Groups, G. T. Frey, St. Bonaventure University
- Irreducibility of Polynomials over Finite Fields, C. W. Kohls, Syracuse University
The Seventh Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Mathematician as Teacher , A. Denese, SUNY Fredonia
Eighth Fall Meeting: November 2, 1974 St. John Fisher College
Contributed papers on the Theme of Linear Algebra
- Historical Highlights of Linear Algebra in the Last Fifty Years, M. F. Smiley, SUNY at Albany
- A First Course in Linear Algebra, L. A. Trivieri, Mohawk Valley Community college and R. J. Wernick, SUC at Cortland
- Computational Aspects of Linear Algebra, P. Eberlein, SUNY at Buffalo
- Singular Values, C. Davis, University of Toronto
- Spectrum Localization of Banach Spaces, Z. Kovarik, McMaster University
- Some Applications of Markov Chains to the Social Sciences, C. Nevison, Colgate University
- Linear Inequalities: Old and New Methods of Solution, R. E. Reed, SUC at Oneonta
Thirty-First Spring Meeting: April 26, 1975, York University
Papers Presented
- The Effect of an Electronic Programmable Calculator on a First Course in Calculus,
- T. N. O’Loughlin, SUC at Cortland
- Some Recent Activities from the Two-Year College, P. Lindstrom, Genesee Community College
- Can College Students Reason?, L. Copes, Ithaca College
- The differential and the Second Derivative Test, D. S. Martin, SUC at Brockport
- Games of Chance and Probability: A Historical Anecdote, P. Tan, Carleton University
- The Trace, Inverse, and Characteristic Polynomial - A Complete Set, D. Fama, Auburn Community College
- Restricting and Inducing on Inner Products of Representations of a Finite Group, G. de B. Robinson, University of Toronto
- Distribution of Initial Digits in Tables of Physical Data, N. n. Rice, Queen’s University
- From Burali-Forti to Godel: Early Efforts to Axiomatize Set Theory, G. H. Moore, University of Toronto
The Eighth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Topological Dynamics on Surfaces, E. Hemmingsen, Syracuse University
Ninth Fall Meeting: November 1, 1975, SUNY Cortland
Papers Presented
- Transition Matrices, D. Fama, Cayuga County Community College
- Differential Algebra and Asymptotic Expansions, W. Strodt, St. Lawrence University
- Retracts of Cantor Spaces, C. Kohls, Syracuse University
- Mortgages and Recurrence Relations, F. A. Hacker, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Mathematics Education or Vice-Versa, L. Copes, Ithaca College
- Applications of Graph Theory and Other Mathematical Models, A. Green, SUC at Buffalo
- A Combinatorial Property of 2x2 Matrices, H. E. Bell, Brock University
- Instructional Television in College Calculus Courses, Sister J. F. Gilman, Niagara University
- Meaning and Precision in Geometry, D. W. Henderson, Cornell University
- The Mordell-Weil Theorem, T. W. Lamm, Cornell University
Thirty-Second Spring Meeting: May 1, 1976, College of St. Rose
Papers Presented
- Mathematical Magic, E. T. Frankel, Schenectady, NY
- Math Anxiety, Jean Smith, Middlesex CC, Middlesex. CT
- Four-Dimensional Division Algebras, C. W. Kohls, Syracuse University
- Are Algebraic Expressions just Infix Polish?, Margaret Brown, Skidmore College
- Fuzzy Algebra, Jay Delkin, University of Western Ontario
- Characterization of a Certain Binary Operation, Donald Palmer, Student, RIT
- A Pre-Categorical Look at Sets, Relations, and Functions, Joseph Bodenrader and William Hartnett, SUC at Plattsburgh
- A Unifying Proof in Plane Synthetic Geometry, David Farnsworth, Eisenhower College
- The Pearl A Metaphor in Educational Mathematics, Larry Copes, Ithaca College
- Linear Algebraic Groups Acting with Zariski Open Orbits on a Hypersurface Z(P),
- F. J. Servedio, McMaster University
The Ninth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Some Topics in Semigroups of Continuous Functions , K. Magill, SUNY at Buffalo
Tenth Fall Meeting: November 6, 1976, Broome Community College
Invited Address
Relationship between the Applications of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics, H. O. Pollack, Bell Laboratories, President of MAA
Papers Presented
- Boolean Algebra vs. Linear Algebra, Jack Graver, Syracuse University
- Verbing Mathematical Nouns: A Case Study of Educational Tensions, Larry Copes, Ithaca College
- Some Cantor Sets and Cantor Functions, Judith Palagallo, Hartwick College
- Octets of Vectors and their Applications, Mou-Ta Chen, SUC at Brockport
- Convolution Transforms on Rn, J. V. Peters, St. Bonaventure University
- A Theorem on Bernoulli Numbers of Order k, D. O. McKay, University of Western Ontario
- Canonical Reducible Cubic Forms in Variables, Frank Servedio, McMaster University
- Umbral Methods and Alternating Series, A. P. Guinand, Trent University
- π: Arc length or Area?, J. F. Smith, LeMoyne College
- Report and Results of the Workshop on the Teaching of Statistics, R. F. Barnes, SUC at Brockport
Thirty-Third Spring Meeting: May 7, 1977, State University College at Buffalo
Papers Presented
- Linear Algebra in Undergraduate Statistics, Harold Still, Queen’s University
- Forms with 0-Orthogonal Lie Algebras, Frank Servedio, McMaster University
- A Computer Lab in Probability, R. F. Barnes, SUC at Brockport
- Coefficients of the Cyclotomic PolynomialFqpr(X), Sister M. Beiter, Daemen College
- On the Classification of Critical Points of Real Valued Functions of Several Variables,
- T. S. Bolis, SUC at Oneonta
- A Structure Theorem for Partial Isometries, James Guyker, SUC at Buffalo
- Making Meaning about Making Meaning: A Dialogue, Larry Copes, Ithaca College and David Pimm, Cornell University
- An Elementary Example of Constructive versus Non-Constructive Proofs, Northrup Fowler, Hamilton College
The Tenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Mathematical Modeling: Examples and Course Materials , W. Lucas, Cornell University
Eleventh Fall Meeting: October 28-29, 1977 SUNY Plattsburgh
Friday Banquet Address
From the USSR to the USA - Two Worlds of Mathematics, Boris Korenblum, SUNY at Albany
Papers Presented
- The Mathematical Sciences:New Packages - New Careers, C. F. A. Beaumont, University of Waterloo
- Graph Theory and Combinatorics Applied to the Macroeconomy of Several Countries, Anton Kotzig, Universite de Montreal
- Group Rings and their Automorphisms, D. C. Lantz, Colgate University
- Computational Graphics as a Teaching Aid, David Schawe, SUC at Plattsburgh
- Determination of all Four Digit Kapreker Constants, G. D. Prichett, Hamilton College
- Generalization of Helmholtz’s Harmonic Model, Norbert Oldani, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Application of Catastrophe Theory, A. C. Green, SUNY at Buffalo
- The Impact of the USA Mathematical Olympiad on the Seaway Section, Nura Turner, SUNY at Albany
- The Resultant Iteration for Determining the Stability of a Polynomial, J. L. Howland, University of Ottowa
- Opportunities for Applications of Mathematics to Biology and Medicine, J. M. Reiner, Albany Medical College
Thirty-Fourth Spring Meeting: May 5-6, 1978, Brock University
Friday Banquet Address
Sex Differences in Mathematics: What not to do about Them, Edith Luchins, RPI
Invited Address
There Were Giants…, R. C. Buck, University of Wisconsin
Papers Presented
- General Implicit and Explicit Solutions for Bernoulli Type Differential Equations, J. P. Rivet, College Militaire Royal de Saint Jean
- Discipline Oriented Problems and Individualized Sets of Data for Service Courses in Mathematics, E. R. Muller, Brock University
- Harmonic Faber Polynomials, E. T. Hoefer, RIT
- Visualizing the Derivative in Elementary Calculus, R. C. Williams, Alfred University
- The Algebraic Structure of Ethical Language, W. J. Rapaport, SUC at Fredonia
- Locating Objects from Satellite, Constance Elson, Ithaca College
- The Smallest n for which an n-Square Theorem is Valid in Certain Fields, C. W. Kohls, Syracuse University
The Eleventh Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Our Future in Mathematics , G. Young, University of Rochester
Twelfth Fall Meeting: November 10-11, 1978 - University of Rochester
Friday Banquet Address
Mathematical Anxiety: Real or Imaginary? A Proposal for Treatment, Sanford Segal, University of Rochester
Invited Address
Combinatorial Sequence Problems, David P. Roselle, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Secretary of the MAA
Papers Presented
- The Unimodular Row Problem, Michael Barr, McGill University
- Alternative Models in Rail Track Scheduling, Eric Muller, Brock University
- The Orthogonal Least Square Line: 1878-1978, David Farnsworth, Eisenhower College and Steven Suddaby, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- The Two-Year-College Mathematics Journal - the Past, the Present, and the Future, Peter A. Lindstrom, Genesee Community College
- The Classical, Bayesian, and Structural Approaches to Statistical Inference, Peter Tan, Carleton University
- Another Approach to Teaching Remedial Algebra to College Students, Larry Copes, Ithaca College
- On Distinguished Subspaces of Summability Domains, S. C. Chang, Brock University
- A Teaching Model for Systems of Differential Equations, Larry Knop, Hamilton College
Thirty-Fifth Spring Meeting: May 4-5, 1979 - SUNY Oneonta
Friday Banquet Address
Some Mathematical Morsels, Ross Honsberger, University of Waterloo
Invited Address
Modules in Applied Mathematics: Some Examples and Sources for Materials, Christopher Nevison, Colgate University, Representative of UMAP
Papers Presented
- The Optimal Assignment Problem: An Application of Elementary Mathematics to Economics,
- W. H. Reynolds, SUC at Cortland
- A Model of Population Diffusion, A. C. Green, SUC at Buffalo
- Optimal Capital Accumulation in a One Sector Economy, B. L. Warren, SUNY at Binghamton
- Coexistence of Species Competing for Shared Resources, C. W. Kohls, Syracuse University
- A Heine-Borel Theorem is Equivalent to a Parallel Postulate, R. B. Killgrove, SUC at Geneseo
- New York State’s New Curriculum for High School Mathematics and the College Bound Student, R. Escobales, Canisius Gollege
- A Cute Linear Algebra Proof of the Four Square Theorem, C. Small, Queen’s University
- Testing: A New Frontier for Consumers, R. D. Larsson, Schenectady County Community College
The Twelfth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Relational Structures and Theoretical Computer Science , A. Bednarek, University of Florida
Thirteenth Fall Meeting: October 26-27, 1979 - SUNY Albany
Friday Banquet Address
Sex Differences in Math Aptitudes, Malcolm Sherman, SUNY at Albany
Papers Presented
- The Spectral Theorem and the Jordan Form for Applied Linear Algebra, M. F. Smiley, SUNY at Albany
- The Characterization of the Semigroup of Matrix Units, Bernard Gelbaum, SUNY at Buffalo
- A First Course in Computing, Robert Ellison, Hamilton College
- Crux Mathematicorum, F. G. B. Maskell, Algonquin College
- Graphing Analytic Functions(A Geometric Point of View), E. T. Hoefer, RIT
- Modules Used in Calculus with Computers Course, Sarah Brooks, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Partitions, Partial Fractions, and Characteristic Polynomials, Lindsay N. Childs, SUNY at Albany
Thirty-Sixth Spring Meeting: May 2-3, 1980 - Herkimer Community College
Friday Banquet Address
Mathematics as an Objective Science, Nicolas Goodman, SUNY at Buffalo
Papers Presented
- Application of Bayesian Techniques to Reliability Demonstration: Estimation and Updating of the Distribution, T. S. Bolis, SUC at Oneonta
- A Generating Property of Pythagorean Triples, P. J. Arpaia, St. John Fisher College
- There are No Correct Answers in the Real World: An Illustration of Modeling as a Process, R. H. Wright, LeMoyne College
- When is a Rational Quaternion Algebra a Division Algebra?, C. W. Kohls, Syracuse University
- A Simple probability Model for the Reliability of a Jury Trial, R. C. Williams, Alfred University
- Mathematics and Art, J. R. Kolod, College of Saint Rose
The Thirteenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
My Graph , H. Coxeter, University of Toronto
Fourteenth Fall Meeting: November 7-8, 1980 - Daemen College
Papers Presented
- Sharks in the Mediterranean during WWI, Arhtur Deacon, Syracuse University
- Actuarial Sciences in the College Mathematics Department, Bette Warren, SUNY at Binghamton
- Generalized Bounded Variation, Michael Schramm, Syracuse University
- Linear Algebra Made Difficult, Paul Halmos, Indiana University
- Constructive Trigonometry, Shirley Stanlen, Schenectady County Community College and Eugene Mozier, La Salle Institute
- A Mean Value Theorem in Higher Dimensions, Richard O’Neil, SUNY at Albany
- A Psychology of Mathematical Problem Solving, Stephen West, SUC at Geneseo
- The Mathematics of Personnel Allocation: The Vices of Linearity, John Mayberry, Brock University
- Casino Gambling, John Slivka, SUC at Buffalo
- Recent Developments in Summability Invariants, S. C. Chang, Brock University
Thirty-Seventh Spring Meeting: April 10-11, 1981 - Syracuse University
Friday Banquet Address
The Physics of Toys, Henry Levinstein, Syracuse University
Papers Presented
- Foliations on Compact Riemannian Manifolds and the Ricci Curvature of the Leaves, Richard Escobales, Canisius College
- Sequences of Sets: Various Convergence Concepts in Topology, Louis F. McAuley, SUNY at Binghamton
- Perron-Frobenius Theory for Certain Affine Operators: An Application, Kenneth Lane, Hamilton College
- Luck as a Statistical Phenomenon, Daniel S. Martin, SUC at Brockport
- p-Adic Solutions of xyz = x + y + z = 1: Propaganda for Quadratic Reciprocity, Charles Small, Queen’s University
- Solving Linear Equations by Row and Column Reduction, Norman Rice, Queen’s University
- Time Series in M Dimensions: An Introduction and Exposition, Leo A. Aroian, Union College
The Fourteenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Systems of Mating and Equilibrium in the Presence of Imprinting , J. Kemperman, University of Rochester
Fifteenth Fall Meeting: November 6-7, 1981 - SUNY Brockport
Friday Banquet Address
The End of the World on a Microcomputer, Kimyong Kim, SUC at Brockport
Papers Presented
- Data Encryption Based on the Factoring of Large Numbers, Jack Hollingsworth, RIT
- Koebe Function Representation of Univalent Functions, Guy Johnson, Syracuse University
- On Mappings of the Euclidean Plane and its Subplanes, Howard E. Bell, Brock University
- Relational Databases, Patricia Woodworth, Ithaca College
- A Case Study of Highway Fatality Rates and the 55 MPH Speed Limit, David Farnsworth, Eisenhower College
- The 22nd International Mathematical Olympiad, Nura Turner, SUNY at Albany
- Translates of Averages, Robert W. Sloan, Alfred University
- A New Look at Analysis - Infinite Arrays in APL, R. W. W. Taylor, RIT
- Analytic Geometry Revisited or How to Keep Busy Though Retired, Emmet Stopher, SUC at Oswego
- Recent Developments in Summability Invariants, S. C. Chang, Brock University
Thirty-Eighth Spring Meeting: April 23-24, 1982 - Skidmore College
Friday Banquet Address
Improved Spatial Skills in Mathematics Using Computer Graphics, Edwin H. Rogers, RPI
Papers Presented
- Analogous Spaces: Integrals and Complex Products, J. B. Harkin, SUC at Brockport
- A Student-Centered Math Skills Center: Three Years of Experience at SUNY Geneseo, Gilbert A. Palmer, SUC at Geneseo
- Weighted Voting for County Boards in New York, David Housman, Cornell University
- Discriminant Analysis for Patient Placement, Martin Orr, NYS Health Department
- Mathematics and Computer Science: A Curriculum, a Point of View, and the Future, Thomas M. O’Loughlin, SUC at Cortland
- Large Aerospace Structures: Do I have to Understand Hilbert Space to Live in Outer Space?, Mark J. Balas, RPI
- Why Vectors are not Arrows, Douglas L. Cushing, St. Bonaventure University
The Fifteenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Computational Complexity of Feasible Computations , J. Hartmanis, Cornell University
Sixteenth Fall Meeting: November 12-13, 1982 - St. Lawrence University
Friday Banquet Address
Retraining Mathematicians to Teach Computer Science, Ed Dubinsky, Clarkson College of Technology
Papers Presented
- What Makes a Ring Finite?, Howard E. Bell, Brock University
- Understanding and Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving, Alan H. Schoenfeld, University of Rochester
- A Follow-up Study of the Winners of the U.S.A. Mathematical Olympiad, Nura Turner, SUNY at Albany
- Graphical Solutions of Systems of n Linear Equations with n Equal to or Greater Than 3, Robert D. Larsson, North Country Community College
- Teaching Statistics with Computers, Chancal Singh, St. Lawrence University
- Some Interesting Properties of the Integer Function, Robert W. Sloan, Alfred University
- A Simulation Approach to Evaluating Experimental Designs, Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University
- The Role of the Monotone Method in the Study of Differential Equations, S. Leela, SUC at Geneseo
Thirty-Ninth Spring Meeting: April 22-24, 1983 - Sheraton Inn, Utica, New York
Joint Meeting with NYSMATYC
Invited Address
The Mathematics Teacher of the 1980s, Stanley Bezuszka, Boston College
Papers Presented
- Fagin’s Theorem on Domain-key Normal Form for Relations, Douglas Cashing, St. Bonaventure University
- On the Use of Multivariable Polynomials for Integrating Ordinary Differential Equations, Mike Mikalajanus, Montreal, Quebec
- Writing About Mathematics, Dorothy Buerk, Ithaca College
- Simple Sum-Preserving Arrangements of Series: A Discouraging Theorem, Paul Schaefer, SUC at Geneseo
- Developments from Normal Surface Theory which Apply to Knot Spaces, Richard Gustafson, SUC at Oneonta
- Business Simulation Games: A Successful Interim Course, Patti Frazer Lock, St. Lawrence University
The Sixteenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Some Recent Applications of Functional Equations to the Behavioral Scie , J. Aczel, University of Waterloo
Seventeenth Fall Meeting : November 4-5, 1983 - Niagara University
Invited Addresses
- Some Work with Gifted High School Mathematics Students, Gerald Rising, SUNY at Buffalo
- The Conway Criterion, Doris Schattschneider, Moravian College and Editor of Mathematics Magazine
Papers Presented
- The Problem with Problem Setting, Peter J. O’Halloran, Executive Director of the Australian Mathematics Competition and University of Waterloo
- Solving Inequalities, Lawrence A. Trivieri, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Minimal Sets and Ergodic Measures for B/G, Mostafa Nassar, SUNY at Buffalo
- On the Groups that Contain Subgroups Having Finite Indices, Ter-Jeng Huang, SUC at Cortland
- Do We Really Teach problem Solving?, Ruth Heintz, SUC at Buffalo
- A Program for Underprepared Mathematics Students, Wendy L. Dunignan, Niagara University
- A Counting Problem mod p, Gerald Myerson, SUNY at Buffalo
Fortieth Spring Meeting: April 6-7, 1984 Broome Community College
Friday Banquet Address
The Plot Thickens and Other Stories, Allen Ziebur, SUNY at Binghamton
Papers Presented
- A “Good” Proof of , Jack E. Graver, Syracuse University
- The Power Maps as Endomorphisms in Rings, Howard E. Bell, Brock University
- Forbidden Patterns for Triangle Centers, Andrew P. Guinand, Trent University
- Tree Algorithm for Coin Flipping, Bette Warren, SUNY at Binghamton
- A Critical Look at Binomial Confidence Intervals, Harold A. Still, Queen’s University
- Is Modeling Just for Computers and Vice-versa?, Boris D. Rakover, St. John Fisher College
- An Efficient Computational Procedure for the Symbolic Multiplication of Large Multivariate Polynomials, Mike Mikalajanus, Montreal, Quebec
- Video Tape Production Made Easy, Dan Dodway, Broome County Community College
The Seventeenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Linear Algebra Without Tears - and Without Vector Spaces , P. Hilton, SUNY Binghamton
Eighteenth Fall meeting: November 2-3, 1984 - St. Bonaventure University
Friday Banquet Address
Gifted Students in Mathematics, Robert Exner, Syracuse University
Invited Address
Computing and the Changing Nature of College Mathematics, Donald Kreider, Dartmouth College
Papers Presented
- Upper Bound Graphs: A Polynomial-time Algorithm, Douglas Cashing, St. Bonaventure University
- Determining Hidden Surfaces of Convex Polyhedra, Paul O’Heron, Broome County Community College
- Teaching Experimental Applied Mathematics - Video Tape Project, Edwin Hoefer, RIT and Team Leader for the Seaway Section
- Solving Trigonometric Inequalities, Boris D. Rakover, St. John Fisher College
- International Congress of Mathematics - 82, Nura Turner, SUNY at Albany
- Writing in the Math Classroom, Marcia Birken, RIT
- Appreciating Efficient Sorting, Morton Goldberg, Broome County Community College
- Analytical Hierarchies and Decision Making, Ronald Brzenk, Hartwick College
- Polynomials, Map Coloring, and Flattening Equations, Frank Bernhart, RIT
Forty-First Spring Meeting: April 26-27, 1985 - Rochester Hilton
Joint Meeting with NYSMATYC
Invited Address
Is Discrete Mathematics the New Math of the 80s?, Anthony Ralston, SUNY at Buffalo
Papers Presented
- Alternatives to Least Square Estimators, Marvin Gruber, RIT
- Left, Right, and Other Things, Saleh I. Assad, Erie Community College
- Derivations and Commutativity, Howard E. Bell, Brock University
- Models Based on the Mean and the Median, David Farnsworth, RIT
- Mathematics for Computer Science - A First Course, Eric R. Muller, Brock University
The Eighteenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
A Vector Approach to Euclidean Geometry , W. Jurkat, Syracuse University
Nineteenth Fall Meeting: November 8-9, 1985 - RIT
Friday Banquet Address
Multivariate Displays: From Quipus to Faces, Howard Wainer, Educational Testing service, Princeton, NJ
Invited Address
Nice Visual and Algebraic Approximations in Statistics, Warren Page, New York City Technical College and Editor of CMJ
Papers Presented
- A Special Case of Rigidity Theory: Bracing of Grids, Jack Graver, Syracuse University
- Recontres or the Hat Checking Problem, Karl Davis, Wells College
- Writing Across the Algebra Curriculum, Lawrence Trivieri, Mohawk Valley Community College
- Do Fractals Make Calculus Obsolete?, Carl Kohls, Syracuse University
- Approximate Coordinate Grids for Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Douglas Meadows, RIT
- Orthogonality in Normal Linear Spaces, Charles Diminnie, St. Bonaventure University
- Chisanbop is More Than Counting on Your Fingers, Dan Dodway, Broome County Community College
- A Special Kind of Duality in Algebra, Armond Spencer, SUC at Potsdam
- A Sylvester Theorem for Conic Sections, James Wiseman, RIT
Forty-Second Spring Meeting: April 18-19, 1986 - Ithaca College
Friday Banquet Address
New Results in Fair Representation Dating from the Talmud, Alan Tucker, SUNY at Stony Brook
Papers Presented
- Making Mathematicians: A Developmental Challenge, Dorothy Buerk, Ithaca College
- Finding Simple t-Designs by Using Basis Reduction, Donald L. Kreher, RIT
- A Generating Property of Sums of Squares, J. Arpaia, St. John Fisher College
- Using Prolog to Build a Micro Expert System in Beginning Calculus, Marcel A. Labbe, College Militaire Royal de Saint Jean
- On Positive Representation by Linear Forms in 2 and 3 Variables, Daniel M. Cass, St. John Fisher College
- Interactive Computer Graphics for Teaching Differential Equations (a Demonstration), John Hubbard and Beverly Henderson West, Cornell University
- A Coin Tossing Problem and some Related Combinatorics, I, Roger H. Moritz, Alfred University
- An Extension of the Gauss Markov Theorem to Linear Models with Random Parameters, Marvin Gruber, RIT
- A Coin Tossing Problem and some Related Combinatorics, II, Roger H. Moritz, Alfred University
- Low Dimensional Topology, Jeff Weeks, Ithaca College
The Nineteenth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Role of Algebra and Topology in Robotics and CAD/CAM , J. Hopcroft, Cornell University
Twentieth Fall Meeting: November 7-8, 1986 - Mohawk Valley Community College
Friday Banquet Address
Mathematical Applications in High Technology, Joan Zelinski, PAR Government Systems Corporation
Invited Address
Experimental Mathematics and Computer Graphics, or What is Chaos, Donald L. Kreider, Dartmouth and Treasurer of the MAA
Papers Presented
- ACL: A Combinatorics Language, Rebecca E. Hill, RIT
- The Rifleman Problem, Edwin Hoefer, RIT
- Commutativity Results for Rings with Redundancy in Multiplication, Howard E. Bell, Brock University
- Modem Applications, Dan Dodway, Broome County Community College
- Geometry of Singularities, Yih-Nan Gau, SUC at Geneseo
- A Fair Allocation Problem Arising in the Talmud, John Maceli, Ithaca College
- How Mathematics Should be Taught, Michael J. Segal, Student, SUNY Buffalo
- Orthogonality in Normed Vector Spaces, Charles Diminnie, St. Bonaventure University
Forty-Third Spring Meeting: April 24-25, 1987 - Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Invited Addresses
- Logic in Computer Science, Anil Nerode, Cornell University
- The Mathematical Competition in Modeling, B. A. Fusaro, Salisbury State College and Project Director, M.C.M.
Papers Presented
- Summability Domains not Containing , W. Beekman and S. C. Chang, Brock University
- Is Every Polynomial over Every Finite Field the Sum of Three Irreducibles?, Gove Effinger, Skidmore College
- The Kalman Filter from the Statistician’s Point of View, Marvin Gruber, RIT
- Mathematical Applications in Perceptual Processes, Mou-Ta Chen, SUC at Brockport and Kathleen Chen, RIT
- Enriching Mathematical Problem Solving - Interdisciplinary Linkages, Marcia Birken and Anne C. Coon, RIT
- A Number Theoretical Variation on the Work of Al-Kasi, R. Daniel Hurwitz, Skidmore College
- P-gonal Numbers that are Simultaneously the Sum and Difference of Two P-gonal Numbers, Pasquale J. Arpaia, St. John Fisher College
The Twentieth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Solitons and Exact Solutions of Nonlinear partial Differential Equations of Physical Interest, M. Ablowitz, Clarkson
Twenty-First Fall Meeting: November 6-7, 1987 - SUNY at Buffalo
Friday Banquet Address
The Simple Ingredients of Mathematical Models of Economic Growth (and Other Matters Economic, Mathematically Flavored), John C. G. Boot, SUNY at Buffalo
Invited Address
Optimization Problems for the Pre-Calculus Curriculum, Ivan Niven, University of Oregon, Past President of MAA
Papers Presented
- Some Aspects of Curvature in Geometry, Lew Friedland, SUC at Geneseo
- New Directions in College Mathematics, Jack Graver, Syracuse University
- PROLOG for Mathematicians, Dave Beuerman, SUC at Oneonta
- The Practical Uses of Combinatorics, Patricia Eberlein, SUNY at Buffalo
- The Way it Was, Ivan Niven, University of Oregon
- What Every Mathematician Should Know about Mathematics, Wayne Bialas, SUNY at Buffalo
- Summing Series, Roger H. Moritz, Alfred University
Forty-Fourth Spring Meeting: April 29-30, 1988 - Brock University
Friday Banquet Address
This Talk Has Two Titles: Memoirs of an Applied Mathematician, John P. Mayberry, Brock University
Papers Presented
- Hyperbolic Geometry from a Lorentzian Perspective, John A. Thorpe, SUNY at Albany
- Roundabout Coloring Schemes, Frank R. Bernhart, RIT
- Improved Estimation in Analysis of Variance Models (ANOVA), Marvin Gruber, RIT
- B-Spline Surface Techniques for Solid Modeling, Chi-Ming Tang, SUC at Geneseo
- Inequalities and Semigroups, William J. Ralph, Brock University
- Special Session on Mathematics Education:
- Adult Learners Ask the Darnest Questions, Betty Hurley Lawrence, Empite State College
- Writing in Math Class, Margaret Hendery, Ithaca College
- How to Ask Sensitive Questions without Getting Punched in the Nose, John C. Maceli, Ithaca College
- Some One-Sample Diagnostics for the Introductory Statistics Class, Ron Menton, Ithaca College
The Twenty-First Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Counting Polyhedra , W. Tutte, University of Waterloo
Twenty-Second Fall Meeting: November 11-12, 1988 - Syracuse University
Friday Banquet Address
The Life of a Star, Guy Johnson, Syracuse University
Invited Address
Some Off-beat Representations of Positive Integers, Herbert S. Wilf, University of Pennsylvania, Editor of the Monthly
Papers Presented
- Industrial Mathematics: More than Applied Mathematics, Peter E. Castro, Eastman Kodak Company
- Applications of Number-Theoretic Unbreakable Ciphers, Thomas W. Cusick, SUNY at Buffalo
- A Humanistic Academic Environment for Learning Undergraduate Mathematics, Clarence F. Stephens, SUC at Potsdam
- On the Divergence of the Euler Series, G. Behforooz, Utica College
- SUPER: An Experiment in Schools and University Partnership, Patricia P. Tinto, Syracuse University
- An Application of Group Theory to Perception, Mou-Ta Chen, and Kathleen Chen, SUC at Brockport
- What Can participation Accomplish in Mathematics Class?, Abolghassen Alemzade, SUC at Cortland
- The Geometric Theory of Three-Manifolds, Jeffrey R. Weeks, Ithaca College
- Sixth International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-6), Howard C. Johnson, Syracuse University
- Tracings in the Sand: A Case in Ethnomathematics, Marcia Ascher, Ithaca College
Forty-Fifth Spring Meeting: April 28-29, 1989 - Union College
Friday Banquet Address
Chaos on a Circle, Susan Niefield, Union College
Papers Presented
- An Introduction to Multifractals, Michael Frame, Union College
- The Semigroup of Binary Relations, Micael A. Breen, Alfred University
- On Teaching mathematical Problem Solving, Richard T. Mahoney, SUC at Brockport
- Four Colors: A Retrospective, Frank Bernhart, Rochester, New York
- Teaching and Learning the Function Concept using ISETL, Donald L. Muench, St. John Fisher College
- End Conditions for the Spline Functions Derived from Integration, G. Behforooz, Utica College
- A New Look for Elementary Linear Algebra, (Parts 1 and 2), Richard D. Mayer, SUC at Oswego
- Attempts to Represent a Step Function by a Power Series, Robert D. Larsson, Schenectady. New York
- Mathematics Appreciation Courses for non-Majors, Patti Frazer Lock, St. Lawrence University
- Countable Products of σ-compact Spaces, George Baloglou, SUNY Oswego
- Concerning Random Number Generation, Joseph Straight, SUC at Fredonia
The Twenty-Second Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Concepts from Applied Mathematics , J. D. Cole, RPI
Twenty-Third Fall Meeting: November 10-11, 1989 - Utica College
Friday Banquet Address
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics and the Law, Mary W. Gray, American University
Papers Presented
- Mathematics Education, K through Graduate School: Critical Issues and Needed Actions, John A. Thorpe, SUNY at Buffalo
- Computer Algebra and Mathematics, Moss Sweedler, Cornell University
- On Choosing the Axiom of Choice, John D. Dixon, Carleton University
- Some Problems of Dirichlet and Neumann, Discretely Discussed, Jim Conklin, Ithaca College
- Solving Polynomial Equations which have no Real Roots, Robert D. Larsson, Schenectady. New York
- Problem Solving: Improved Mathematics Instruction, Richard T. Mahoney, SUC at Brockport
- Recent Changes in the High School Curriculum, Jack Graver, Syracuse University
- A FORTRAN Program for Predicting Yields of Stocked Trout from Stream Fisheries, Verna Engstrom-Heg, SUC at Oneonta.
- An Elementary Problem Solving Course, Margaret W. Groman, SUC at Oswego
- What is Going On at Potsdam?, Robert D. Hofer, SUC at Plattsburgh
- Geometrical Groups and Mental Transformations, Mou-Ta Chen, SUC at Brockport and Kathleen Chen, RIT
- Designing a Computer Lesson, William Casolara, Tompkins Cortland Community College
- Periodicities of Integer Sequences, Y. H. Harris Kwong, SUC at Fredonia
- Correspondence between Mathematicians and the Dutch Graphioc Artist M. C. Escher, J. Taylor Hollist, SUC at Oneonta
- Yet Another Look at Liberal Arts Mathematics, Armond E. Spencer, SUC at Potsdam
Forty-Sixth Spring Meeting: April 6-7, 1990 - Colgate University
Papers Presented
- Outtakes! Maybe Henry Ford was Right about History, Paul Schaefer, SUC at Geneseo
- Mathematics: A Game for Spectators? Neil R. Grabois, President, Colgate University
- Classroom Notes, Leonard Gillman, MAA Past President , University of Texas at Austin (Emeritus)
- Problems in Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry, William Moser, McGill University
- Use of a Programmable Calculator in the Classroom, Jack Graver, Syracuse University
- A Comparison of Two Extensions of the First Order Logic, Norollah Talebi, Daeman College
- Implied Illiteracy in Elementary mathematics Textbooks, R. Daniel Hurwitz, Skidmore College
- Mathematical Microworlds and Problem Solving, Jack Narayan, SUC at Oswego
- The Relationship of Conics to the Solution of Systems of Linear Equations, Robert D. Larsson, Schenectady. New York
- A Not So Perfect Marriage - Computers and Mathematics, Paul O’Heron and Carmelita Keyes, Broome County Community College
- A Common Riccati Equation, Roger H. Moritz, Alfred University
- A Case for an Undergraduate Mathematics Course in Computer Simulation Modeling, Diane Driscoll Schwartz, Ithaca College
- When Music and Mathematics Merge A Prelude to Iannis Xenakis, Angel E. Andreu, Monroe Community College
The Twenty-Third Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Combinatorial Group Theory: A Geometric Subject , M. W. Cohen, Cornell University
Twenty-Fourth Fall Meeting: November 2-3, 1990 - SUNY Oswego
Friday Banquet Address
Some Mathematical Morsels, Ross Honsberger, University of Waterloo
Invited Addresses
- New Developments in Knot Thoery, William Menasco, SUNY Buffalo
- How Reliable is a Computer-based Proof?, Clement Lam, Concordia University
- Invited Lecture in Mathematics Education
- Calculus: Where are We Going?, Peter Taylor, Queen’s University
Forty-Seventh Spring Meeting: April 19-20, 1991 - SUNY Oneonta
Friday Banquet Address
A New Line of Fixed Points, Ross Geoghegan, SUNY Binghamton
Invited Addresses
- MAA Speaker, Title to be Announced, Fan Chung, Bell Labs
The Twenty-Fourth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Structure of Complex Analytic Dynamics, John Hubbard, Cornell University
Twenty-Fifth Fall Meeting: November 1-2, 1991 - SUNY Fredonia
Friday Banquet Address
The Joy of Mathematics, Peter Hilton, SUNY Binghamton
Invited Addresses
- Leibniz and His Calculus, V. Frederick Rickey, Bowling Green State University
- Area and Iterations and Matrices and Determinants, Gilbert Strang, MIT
- Invited Lecture in Mathematics Education (TBA)
Forty-Eighth Spring Meeting: May 1-2, 1992 - Queen’s University
Friday Banquet Address
Translating Biology into Mathematics and Back Again—A Case Study, Joan M. Geramita, Queen’s University
Invited Addresses
- Can Mathematics be of Any Use in Sociology? Keith Devlin, Colby College
- Primality Testing and Carmichael Numbers, Andrew Granville, University of Georgia
The Twenty-Fifth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Guided Computer Experimentation in Mathematics -Euler, Mahler, Ramanujan, and MAPLE, Jonathan M. Borwein, University of Waterloo
Twenty-Sixth Fall Meeting: November 13-14, 1992 - Cornell University
Friday Banquet Address
Logic as Linear Programming, Anil Nerode, Cornell University
Invited Addresses
- The One - Way Street Problem, Fred S. Roberts, Rutgers University
- Geometric Models, Robert Connelly, Cornell University
- Invited Lecture in Mathematics Education
- Calculus, Computers, and Change, William E. Boyce, RPI
Forty-Ninth Spring Meeting: April 23-24, 1993 - SUNY Binghamton
Friday Banquet Address
Breaking German Codes in WW II, Peter Hilton, SUNY Binghamton
Invited Addresses
- Can We See the Mandelbrot Set?, John Ewing, Indiana University
- Undergraduate Mathematics - The First Two Years, Frank Giordano, US Military Academy
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Fractals and Iterated Function Systems, Douglas Ravanel, University of Rochester
Twenty-Seventh Fall Meeting: November 5-6, 1993 - Onondaga Community College
Friday Banquet Address
Mathematics, Mother und Menschenwerk: A Pictorial Essay on the Mathematical Shapes and Principles Found in Nature and Society, Sam McInroy Corning Community College
Invited Addresses
- Subdividing and Averaging Polytopes, or What Your High School Teacher Didn’t Tell You about Discriminants, Louis J. Billera, Cornell University
- What Can You Do with Mathematics if You Aren’t Going to Teach?, Peter E. Castro, Eastman Kodak Company
First John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
A History of Mathematics Course for Teachers, Based on Great Quotations, Israel Kleiner, York University
Fiftieth Spring Meeting: April 22-23, 1994 - SUNY Albany
Friday Banquet Address
Computer Calculus and Workshop Calculus at Rensselaer, Joseph G. Ecker, RPI
Invited Addresses
- Viewing and Calculating the Roots of a Polynomial are as Easy as Coloring a Flag Red, White, and Blue, and Hiking Along a Continental Divide, William F. Lucas, The Claremont Graduate School
- Soap Bubble Clusters, Including New Results by Undergraduates, Frank Morgan, Williams College
The Twenty-Seventh Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Imaging the Interior of the Body with Electric Fields, Margaret Cheney, RPI
Twenty-Eighth Fall Meeting: November 4-5, 1994 - RIT
Friday Banquet Address
Laser Fusion - Will Mathematical Modeling Converge to Physical Reality?, R. Stephen Craxton, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester
Invited Addresses
- The Mathematics of Card Shuffling, Kenneth A. Ross, University of Oregon
- Why Gaussian Elimination Works Even Though it’s Unstable, Lloyd N. Trefethen, Cornell University
Second John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Instructional Transformation and Mathematics Education, Patricia K. Rogers, York University
Fifty-First Spring Meeting: April 21-22, 1995 - Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Friday Banquet Address
Chaos and Complications for the Forced Pendulum, John Hubbard, Cornell University
Invited Addresses
- The Modeling Thread in the West Point, Frank Giordano, US Military Academy
- Similarities between Taylor Series and Fourier, Deborah Tepper Haimo, University of Missouri at St. Louis and UCSD
The Twenty-Eighth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
A Tangled Tale, William W. Menasco, University at Buffalo
Twenty-Ninth Fall Meeting: November 3-4, 1995, Skidmore College
Friday Banquet Address
Fun and Games with Penrose Tiles, Marjorie Senechal, Smith College
Invited Addresses
- Formulas for Primes, Underwood Dudley, Depauw University
- Fair Division: From Cake Cutting to Dispute Resolutions, Alan Taylor, Union College
Second Annual Randolph Lecture
Talking Across Disciplines: Opportunities for and Obstacles to Bridging Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Jere Confrey, Cornell University
Fifty-Second Spring Meeting: April 12-13, 1996 - Elmira College
Friday Banquet Address
Curriculum Reform: Paradigm Shifts Affect the Students, the Faculty, the Department, the Universe,... and Everything Else!, Barbara Reynolds, SDS, Cardinal Stritch College and Brown University
Invited Addresses
- After a Decade of Calculus Reform, are we at the End or the Beginning? ,John Kenelly, Clemson University
- Computing with DNA, Tom Head, SUNY at Binghamton
The Twenty-Ninth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Mathematical Aspects of Bubbly Flows, Donald Drew, RPI
Thirtieth Fall Meeting: November 8-9, 1996, -- SUNY Geneseo
Friday Banquet Address
Happy 300th Birthday to the First Calculus, V. Frederick Rickey, Bowling Green State University
Invited Addresses
- Industrial Mathematics for Fun and Profit, Martha Siegel, Towson State University
- The Genius of Euler, V. Frederick Rickey, Bowling Green State University
Third Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
The Impact of Research in Mathematics Education on my Teaching and on the Learning of Mathematics in my Classes, Eric Muller, Brock University
Fifty-Third Spring Meeting: April 18-19, 1997, Broome Community College
Friday Banquet Address
Heuristic Problem Solving ,Don Gause, Binghamton University
Invited Addresses
- The Homeomorphism Problem for Closed Manifolds, F. Thomas Farrell, SUNY at Binghamton
- Famous Impossibilities and "Famous Impossibilities": Axioms that Guide our Teaching ,
- Tom Rishel, Cornell University
The Thirtieth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Whitehead's Algorithm in Free Groups, Surface Groups, and Hyperbolic Groups ,Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University
Thirty-First Fall Meeting: November 7-8, 1997, - Siena College
Friday Banquet Address
Innovative Experiments in Mathematics and Beyond…and How I survived Them, Edward B. Burger, Williams College
Invited Addresses
- Rethinking Rigor in Calculus: The Role of the Mean Value Theorem, Tom Tucker, Colgate University
- Seventy Years of Mathematics Magazine, Paul Zorn, St. Olaf’s College
Fourth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Math for Poets: Finding Math Lovers Among Humanities Students, Harriet Pollatsek, Mt. Holyoke College
Fifty-Fourth Spring Meeting: April 24-25, 1998 - York University
Friday Banquet Address
Pay Equity and Statistics, Georges Monette, York University
Invited Addresses
- Cryptography and Sieve Methods, Ram Murty, Queen’s University
- Discrete Geometry: Applicable and Applied, Walter Whitely, York University
The Thirty-First Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Dynamical Disease, William Langford, Fields Institute
Thirty-Second Fall Meeting: November 6-7, 1998, - Nazareth College
Friday Banquet Address
Breaking Drivers’ License Codes, Joe Gallian, University of Minnesota at Duluth
Invited Addresses
- Where do Mathematical Ideas Come From: Experiences, Platonic Ideals, Discoveries, Constructions, or Formal Expressions?, Ed Dubinsky, Georgia State University
- The Mathematics of Identification Numbers, Joe Gallian, University of Minnesota at Duluth
Fifth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
What Every Student of Mathematics Should Know, Jim Matthews, Siena College
Fifty-Fifth Spring Meeting: April 23-24, 1999 - Syracuse University
Friday Banquet Address
Darkness at Night vs. Infinity, Peter Saulson, Syracuse University
Invited Addresses
- The Mathematics Behind a Nobel Prize in Economics, Philip Griffin, Syracuse University
- The Archimedes Palimpsest: A Survey of the Physical and the Mathematical Document, Gary Towsley, SUNY Geneseo
The Thirty-Second Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Prime Factors, 2 by 2 Matrices, and the Hyperbolic Plane, Ross Geoghegan, SUNY Binghamton
Thirty-Third Fall Meeting: November 5-6, 1999, - Adirondack Community College
Friday Banquet Address
The History of Infinite Series and Examples for Classroom Use, V. Fred Rickey, US Military Academy
Invited Addresses
- Calculus Books, Underwood Dudley, Depauw University
- Local Operators and Operators Preserving Disjointness, Robert Kantrowitz, Hamilton College
Sixth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
The Mathematician and the Education of Teachers: Some personal Views:, Bernard Hodgson, Laval University
Fifty-Sixth Spring Meeting: April 14-15 2000, SUNY Oswego
Friday Banquet Address
Eulers Crumbs, William Dunham, Muhlenberg College
Invited Addresses
- The Universe as a Phase Boundary in Four Dimensional Euclidean Space, Michael Grady, SUNY Fredonia
- Introduction toMathematical Models of Infectious Diseases, Deborah Lawrence, The Sage Colleges
The Thirty-Third Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Infinite Source Poisson Models with Heavy Tailed Transmission Times, Probabilistic Modeling and Data Networks, Sidney Resnick, Cornell University
Thirty-Fourth Fall Meeting: November 3-4, 2000, - SUNY Fredonia
Friday Banquet Address
Nonsense and Reality in Mathematics Education, Michael Steuben, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Invited Addresses
- Applications of Differential Geometry to Mechanical Control Systems, Andrew Lewis, Queen’s University
- Algebras that Go Up and Down, Georgia Benkart, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Seventh Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Mathematics Education: Where Have We Come From? Where are We Going? What’s Taking Us So Long?, Stephen West, SUNY Geneseo
Fifty-Seventh Spring Meeting: April 6-7, 2001 - Binghamton University
Friday Banquet Address
Where in the History of Mathematics is S. Ramajuan, Gary Towsley, SUNY Geneseo
Invited Addresses
- Introduction to Mathematical Models of Infectious Diseases, Deborah A. Lawrence, The Sage Colleges
- The Computer in a Drop of Water, Tom Head, Binghamton University
The Thirty-Fourth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Why Things Don’t Fall Down: Tensegrities and How They Hold the World Together, Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Thirty-Fifth Fall Meeting: November 2-3, 2001, - Brock University
Friday Banquet Address
Why Math is (Still) Hard: Challenges for Mathematical Computing, Jonathan M. Borwein, FRSC Canada Research Chair; Director, Centree for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Invited Addresses
- Can Mathematics Recognize Great Art?, Bill Ralph, Brock University
- Mathematics for All, Edward Barbeau, University of Toronto
Eighth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Theoretical Thinking and High Achievement in Linear Algebra, Anna Sierpinska, Concordia University
Fifty-Eighth Spring Meeting: April 19-20, 2002 - SUNY Brockport
Friday Banquet Address
It’s a Wonderful Life! Observations on a Career as a Mathematician, Luise-Charlotte Kappe, SUNY Binghamton
Invited Addresses
- Search for the Mean Value Theorem, Bob Rogers, SUNY Fredonia
- Statistics and Mathematics of Baseball, Ken Ross, University of Oregon
The Thirty-Fifth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Is Honesty the Best Policy?, Alan Taylor, Union College
Summer Meeting, June 21-22, 2002 - Williams College
Joint Meeting with Northeast Section
- Invited Speakers:
- Thomas C. Hales, University of Michigan
- Thomas Garrity. Williams College
- Sean McLaughlin, Recent Winner of National Undergraduate Research Prize
- Student at the University of Michigan
Thirty-Sixth Fall Meeting: November 1-2, 2002, - SUNY Potsdam
Friday Banquet Address
Misadventures of a Maverick, Reuben Hersh, University of New Mexico
Invited Addresses
- Computer Graphics in Curved Spaces, Jeff Weeks
- Pre-Calculus Circa 1748:Euler’s Introduction to the Analysis of Infinities, Mark McKinzie, Monroe Community College
Ninth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Educational Mathematics, David Henderson, Cornell University
Fifty-Ninth Spring Meeting: April 4-5, 2003 - Alfred University
Friday Banquet Address
The Public’s Perception of Mathematics, Mike Breen, American Mathematical Society
Invited Addresses
- Rearranging the Alternating Harmonic Series, Carl Cowan, Purdue University
- Pricing Financial Derivatives: How Mathematics Gave Us Modern Finance, Norman Rice, Queen’s University
The Thirty-Sixth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Graphite Boundary Sequence Problem, Jack Graver, Syracuse University
Thirty-Seventh Fall Meeting: November 7-8, 2003, - RIT
Friday Banquet Address
Title?, William Thurston, Cornell University
Invited Addresses
- Pascal Matrices and Enjoying Linear Algebra, Gil Strang, MIT
- Helmut Hasse and Wilhelm Blaschke: Nazi Sympathizers?, Sandy Segal, University of Rochester
Tenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Making Mathematics Meaningful, Patti Frazer-Lock, St. Lawrence University
Sixtieth Spring Meeting: April 23-24, 2004 - SUNY Cortland
Friday Banquet Address
Reasoning About Dimensions You Cannot See, Ton Rishell, Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar
Invited Addresses
- Recently Uncovered Flaws in Standards-Based Mathematics Tests, Alan Tucker, SUNY Stony Brook
- How to Always Win at Limbo, Ed Burger, Williams College
The Thirty-Seventh Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Microsoft Computing: Writing on Molecules in Fluid Memory, Tom Head, SUNY Binghamton
Thirty-Eighth Fall Meeting: November 7-8, 2004, - Canisius College
Friday Banquet Address
Joseph Liouville & Number Theory, Kenneth S. Williams, Carleton University
Invited Addresses
- Encouraging Creativity - Brock’s New Mathematics Program, Bill Ralph, Brock University
- The Zeta Function, Prime Numbers, and the Zeroes, Steve Gonek, University of Rochester
Eleventh Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
High School Mathematics Education: Gaining Perspectives on a Fragmented System, Eric Robinson, Ithaca College
Sixty-First Spring Meeting:, 2005 - Queen’s University
Friday Banquet Address
What Art Can Teach Us about the Art of Teaching, Peter Taylor, Queen’s University
Invited Addresses
- The Foundational Crisis in Mathematics in the Period 1890-1935, Ole Nielsen, Queen’s University
- Discovering Galileo, Olympia Nicodemi, SUNY Geneseo
The Thirty-Eighth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Rings of Integer Valued Polynomials, David Lantz, Colgate University
Thirty-Ninth Fall Meeting:October 28-29, 2005, - SUNY Geneseo
Friday Banquet Address
Eine Kleine Nachtmagic, Colm Mulcahy, Spelman College
Invited Addresses
- Overcoming the effects of the Logarithmic Distribution of Numbers: Gradual and Tapered Overflow and Underflow, Peter Turner, Clarkson University
- Episodes in the Early History of the Lucasian Chair, Jim Tattersall, Providence College
Twelfth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Everybody Wins: Why Mathematics Courses for Elementary School Teachers Matter and How They Can Benefit All Students, David Poole, Trent University
Sixty-Second Spring Meeting:, April 28-29, 2006 - Ithaca College
Friday Banquet Address
Learning from Each Other.. and Having Fun Doing It, Philip Krasicky, Cornell University
Invited Addresses
- Sudo Latin Squares, James Conklin, Ithaca College
- Polya Lecture - A Bird’s Eye View of the P vs. NP Problem, Steven Rudich, Carnegie-Mellon University
The Thirty-Ninth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Geometry of Relaxation Oscillations, John Guckenheimer, Cornell University
Fortieth Fall Meeting: October 13-14, 2006, - Marist College
A Joint Meeting of the Metro Section and the Seaway Section
Friday Banquet Address:
Some History of the Calculus of the Trigonometric Functions, V. Frederick Rickey, The United States Military Academy at West Point
Invited Addresses
- Planar Linkages, Nancy Hagelgans
- Increasing the Numbers of Mathematics Majors , William Y. Velez, University of Arizona
- The Mathematics of *Not* Voting, William S. Zwicker, Union College
Sixty-Third Spring Meeting:, April 27-28, 2007 - SUNY Oneonta
Friday Banquet Address
Getting MAD in Class, Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University
Invited Addresses
- Mathematics in Digital Imaging, John F. Hamilton, Eastman Kodak
- Can We Improve the College Education of Future Secondary Mathematics Teachers? - Questions, Observations, Suggestions and Discussion, James Matthews, Siena College
The Fortieth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Generalization to Infinite Graphs of a Theorem of W.T. Tutte, Mark Watkins, Syracuse University
Forty-First Fall Meeting: October 19-20, 2007, - Monroe Community College
A Joint Meeting of NYSMATYC and the Seaway Section of the MAA
Friday Banquet Address
Math Busters! Examining Mathematical Folklore, Mark McKinzie, St. John Fisher College
Invited Addresses
- The Making of the 2008 Math Awareness Poster, Joe Gallian, University of Minnesota-Duluth
- Output Driven Functions:The Mathematics of Linguistic Sound Patterns, Bruce Tesar, Rutgers University
Thirteenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Calculus in High School, David Bressoud, Macalester College
Sixty-Fourth Spring Meeting:, April 11-12, 2008 - Syracuse University
Friday Banquet Address
The Snowball Earth, Scott Samson, Syracuse University
Invited Addresses
- Voting Systems that Combine Approval and Preference, Stephen Brams, NYU
- Splitting the Rent: Fairness problems and Fixed Points, Francis Su, Harvey Mudd College
The Forty-First Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
On Positive Centers, Integral Geometry, and The Isoperimetric Deficit, Michael Gage, University of Rochester
Forty-Second Fall Meeting: October 17-18, 2008, - Siena College
Friday Banquet Address
The Mathematics of Voting, Allan Taylor, Union College
Invited Addresses
- Benford's Law, Fraud Detection and Risk Measures in Auditing, Richard J. Cleary, Bentley College
- Teaching Mathematical Concepts Using Real World Applications, Darren A. Narayan, RIT
Fourteenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Across 50 Years of Teaching, Jack Narayan, SUNY Oswego
Sixty-Fifth Spring Meeting:, April 3-4, 2009 - RIT
Friday Banquet Address
Math in a Wicked World, Ian Gatley, RIT
Invited Addresses
- Experimentation in Mathematics and the First Year Student, David Brown, Ithaca College
- Eight Queens and More, Thomas Zaslavsky, Binghamton University
The Forty-Second Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Calculus of Friendship, Steven Strogatz, Cornell University
Forty-Third Fall Meeting: October 23-24, 2009, - SUNY Fredonia
Friday Banquet Address
A Brief History of the Calculus, Jeff Johannes and Gary Towsley, SUNY Geneseo
Invited Addresses
- The Infamous Five Color Problem, Dan Teague, North Carolina State University
- Solitons: From Water Waves to Optical Fibers, Gino Biondini, SUNY Buffalo
Fifteenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
King Solomon on Teaching Math, Sam Vandervelde, St. Lawrence University
Sixty-Sixth Spring Meeting:, April 23-24, 2010 - SUNY Oswego
Friday Banquet Address
Mathematical Quips, Quotes, Rumors, and Humorous Tales, Darren Narayan, RIT
Invited Addresses
- Life After Linear Algebra, Harris Kwong, SUNY Fredonia
- Far from the Tweeting Crowd —Good Advice from Unlikely Sources, Chris Leary, SUNY Geneseo
The Forty-Third Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Adventures of a Statistician in the Legal System, Martin Wells, Cornell University
Forty-Fourth Fall Meeting: October 15-16, 2010, - SUNY Plattsburgh
Friday Banquet Address
The Anatomy of Integers and Permutations, Anthony Granville, University of Montreal
Invited Addresses
- Animating Convergence, Frank Swenton, Middlebury College
- Polya Lecture - Introduction to Knot Theory, Louis Kauffman, UIC
Sixteenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
K12 Educational Outreach in Mathematics: What? Why? How! WOW! , Kate Fowler, Clarkson University
Sixty-Seventh Spring Meeting:, April 1-2, 2011 - Nazareth College
Friday Banquet Address
Don’t Make Me Sick: Adventures in Biomathematics (Making the World Safe for E. Coli), Greg Hartvigsen and Chris Leary, SUNY Geneseo
Invited Addresses
- Teaching by Asking: Good Questions: A Case Study, Maria Terrell, Cornell University
- Some Nonstandard Applications of Mathematics to Sports, Richard Cleary, Bentley College
The Forty-Fourth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Mathematics and Physics of Invisibility Cloaks, Allan Greenleaf, University of Rochester
Forty-Fifth Fall Meeting: October 14-15, 2011, - St. Bonaventure University
Friday Banquet Address
Forensic Mathematics and the World Trade Center Project, Jonathon Boyle, Eastman Kodak
Invited Addresses
- The Hardest Math I’ve ever Really Used, Dror Bar-Natan, University of Toronto
- Pancake Sorting, Prefix Reversals, and DNA Rearrangements, Ivars Peterson, National MAA
Seventeenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Sustain This! Making Math Matter, Tom Pfaff, Ithaca College
Sixty-Eighth Spring Meeting:, April 13-14, 2012 - Hamilton College
Friday Banquet Address
Stories from the Development of Real Analysis, David Bressoud, Macalester College
Invited Addresses
- Two (more) Morsels from Euler, Bill Dunham, Muhlenberg College
- Bootstraping: Let your Data be your Guide, Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University
The Forty-Fifth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Optimal Generation and Packing of Steiner Trees in a Rectilinear Grid, Col. Steve Horton, United States Military Academy
Forty-sixth Fall Meeting: October 19-20, 2012 - Elmira College
Friday Banquet Address
Hands-on Laboratory Mathematics --A Bridge to Understanding, Jerome Epstein, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn
Invited Addresses
- Suppressing by sustaining -refuges in pest control, John Ringland, University at Buffalo
- Invariants under Group Actions to Amaze Your Friends!, Doug Ensley, Shippensburg University
Eighteenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
We Teach People, Jamar Pickreign, SUNY Fredonia
Sixty-Ninth Spring Meeting:, April 19-20, 2013 - SUNY Fredonia
Friday Banquet Address
The abc Conjecture and Beyond, Chris Hill, St. Bonaventure University
Invited Addresses
- Whether "Mathematics" is a Plural Noun. , Chandler Davis, University of Toronto
- Mathematics to DIE for: The Battle Between Counting and Matching, Jennifer Quinn, University of Washington, Takoma
The Forty-Sixth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Stochastic Models on Graphs, Ted Cox, Syracuse University
Forty-seventh Fall Meeting: October 18-19, 2013 - SUNY Potsdam
Friday Banquet Address
Origami Math and its Increasing Intersections , Thomas Hull, Western New England University
Invited Addresses
- Quantum Walks on Graphs, Christopher Godsil, University of Waterloo
- Quantifying Uncertainty in X-ray Images with National Security Applications, Aaron Luttman, National Security Technologies, LLC
Nineteenth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
The Art, Science, and Illusion of Mastery, Kevin Cheung, Carleton University
Seventieth Spring Meeting: April 25-26, 2014 - SUNY College at Buffalo
Friday Banquet Address
Playing with Surfaces: Spheres, Monkey Pants and Zippergons, Kelly Delp, Ithaca College
Invited Addresses
- I See Me in You: Regarding the Self Evident Truths of Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Keary Howard, SUNY Fredonia
- Olympiad Problems for Fun, Learning and Research with Dynamical Software , Steve Dunbar, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and Director of the American Mathematics Competition
The Forty-Seventh Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Perfection and Beyond , Maria Chudnovsky, Columbia University
Forty-eighth Fall Meeting: October 10-11, 2014 - Alfred University
Friday Banquet Address
Math is Cool! George Hart, Stony Brook University
Invited Addresses
- A Survey of Intrinsically Linked and Intrinsically Knotted Graphs, Joel Foisy, SUNY Potsdam
- Euler and a modern evaluation of 1 + ¼ + 1/9 +...., Mark McKinzie, St. John Fisher College
Twentieth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
What is the Definition of Definition? and Other Mathematical Cultural Conundrums, Carol Schumacher, Kenyon College
Seventy- First Spring Meeting: April 16-17, 2015 - Colgate University
Friday Banquet Address
75 Years of Seaway?, Gary Towsley, SUNY Geneseo
Invited Addresses
- The Shape of Space, Jeffrey Weeks, Freelance Geometer
- The Fractal Geometry of the Mandelbrot Set, Robert Devaney, Boston University
The Forty-Eighth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Bursts, Cascades, and Hot Spots: Mathematical Models of the Online World, Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
Forty-Ninth Fall Meeting: November 6-7, 2015 - St. Lawrence University
Friday Banquet Address
What every Mathematician should Know about Statistics … and vice versa, Richard Clearly, Babson College
Invited Addresses
- Topological and Geometric Symmetries of Molecular Structures, Erica Flapan, Pomona College (Polya Lecturer)
- Cancellable Numbers, Poisoned Martini & Suspended Bottle, Hossein Shahmohamad, RIT
Twenty-First Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Clearing Obstacles to Student Success, Laura Person, SUNY Potsdam
Seventy- Second Spring Meeting: April 15-16, 2016 - SUNY Geneseo
Friday Banquet Address
After all, it’s just Algebra, Robert Rogers, SUNY Fredonia
Invited Addresses
- Continued Fractions and the Solar Eclipse, Andrew Simoson, King University
- Hammering Home Undergraduate Mathematics, Carl Lutzer, RIT
The Forty-Ninth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Finite Coverings: A Journey through Groups, Loops, Rings and Semigroups, Luise-Charlotte Kappe, Binghamton University
Fiftieth Fall Meeting: November 21-22, 2016 - RIT
Friday Banquet Address
I Don’t Know Where I’m Gonna Go When the Volcano Blow, Bruce Pitman, University of Buffalo
Invited Addresses
- Numerical Ranges over Finite Fields: A Discrete Analogue of a Complex Problem,
- Patrick Rault, SUNY Geneseo and University of Arizona South
- Mime-matics Tim Chartier, Davidson College
Twenty-Second Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Mathematics for All, Christina Gomez, Ithaca College
Seventy- Third Spring Meeting: March 31 - April 1, 2017 - SUNY Oswego
Friday Banquet Address
How George Washington Learned to Be a Surveyor, Fred Rickey, U.S. Military Academy (Emeritus)
Invited Addresses
- Dance of the Astonished Topologist (or How I Left Squares and Hexes for Math), Tara Holm, Cornell University
- Design Theory, Tournaments and Cryptography, Brett Stevens, Carleton University
The Fiftieth Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Numerical Relativity in the Gravitational Wave Observation Era, Manuela Campanelli, RIT
Fifty-First Fall Meeting: October 20-21, 2017 - SUNY Broome Community College
Friday Banquet Address
Statistical Sleuthing, Paul Hudec, Universal Instruments
Invited Addresses
- Ties that Bind and Bridges to Nowhere, Mary E. Helander, IBM
- The Joy of Set, Gary Gordon and Liz McMahon, Lafayette College
Twenty-Third Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
IBL for All, Yousef George, Nazareth College
Seventy- Fourth Spring Meeting: April 13-14, 2018 - SUNY Brockport
Friday Banquet Address
How to Bake Pi: making abstract mathematics palatable, Eugenia Cheng, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Invited Addresses
- Data Analysis in the Mathematics Curriculum, Patti Frazer-Lock, St. Lawrence University
- Does Your Vote Count?, Deanna Haunsperger, Carleton College, President of the MAA
The Fifty-First Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Shape of Associativity, Satyan Devadoss, University of San Diego
Fifty-Second Fall Meeting: October 12-13, 2018 - University of Toronto Mississauga
Friday Banquet Address
My Favourite First-Year Analysis Theorem, Dror Bar-Natan, University of Toronto
Invited Addresses
- From Monte Carlo to Markov Chains, Jeffrey Rosenthal, University of Toronto
- The Role of "Assessment" in Teaching Online Mathematics Courses, Brian Forrest, Waterloo University
Twenty-Fourth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Extreme equality: Using research to close the achievement gap in math, John Mighton, Fields Institute at the University of Toronto, JUMP Math
Seventy-Fifth Spring Meeting: April 5-6, 2019 - Saint John Fisher College
Friday Banquet Address
All Natural Pi, Rebekah Yates, Houghton, College
Invited Addresses
- A Rare Glimpse of PDEs in Their Natural Habitats, David Ross, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Tales of Impossibility, Dave Richeson Dickinson College
The Fifty-Second Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
The Shocking Story of Crowds, Carl Lutzer, Rochester Institute of Technology
Fifty-Third Fall Meeting: November 1-2, 2019 - Ithaca College
Friday Banquet Address
From the Banquet Table to Musical and Mathematical Spaces, Timothy Johnson, Ithaca College
Invited Addresses
- On pennies, McNuggets, polynomials and how to help the government save money, Ricardo Conceição, Gettysburg College
- Mi Camino - Transforming Collegiate Teaching of Mathematics - Con Compasión, Hortensia Soto, University of Northern Colorado
Twenty-Fifth Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Navigating Whitewater: Preparing our students for unknown challenges, Alison Gibbs, University of Toronto
2020 Spring Meeting: May 1-2, 2020 - University of Waterloo
Cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Fall Meeting - 2020
Not held to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Spring Meeting - 2021
Not held to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Fall Meeting - 2021
Not held to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Spring Meeting - 2022
Not held to the COVID-19 Pandemic
54th Fall Meeting: October 28-29, 2022 - Siena College
Friday Banquet Address
The unreasonable ineffectiveness of mathematics (with and without the axiom of choice), Alan Taylor, Union College
Invited Addresses
- The French Connection: Borda, Condorcet, and the Mathematics of Voting Theory, Janet Heine Barnett, Colorado State University Pueblo
- Kostant's partition function and magic multiplex juggling sequences, Pamela E. Harris, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
26th Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Do Teachers Need Real Analysis?, Xiao Xiao, Utica University
76th Spring Meeting: May 5-6, 2023 - University of Waterloo
Friday Banquet Address
Dots and Lines: The Hidden Networks Around Us, Anthony Bonato, Toronto Metropolitan University
Invited Addresses
- A mathematicians' journey in education and outreach, Frédéric Gourdeau, Université Laval
- Different Problems, Common Threads: Computing the difficulty of mathematical problems, Karen Lange, Wellesley College
53rd Annual Harry M. Gehman Invited Lecture
Graph Theory for the Cruise Director, Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
55th Fall Meeting: October 13-14, 2023 - St. Bonaventure University
Friday Banquet Address
Graphs and Their Potent Energy, Hossein Shahmohamad, RIT
Invited Addresses
- Probabilistic Generative Frameworks for Sampling 3D Complex Shapes and Images, Lorin Crawford, Microsoft Research New England
- Fibonacci Determination, Darren Narayan, RIT
27th Annual John Randolph Lecture in Mathematics Education
Rethinking Assessment to Encourage Student Engagement and Preserve Instructor Sanity, Daniel M. Look, St. Lawrence University