About the Seaway Section
The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Seaway Section is one of 29 regional sections of the MAA. The Seaway Section consists of members of the MAA residing in the province of Ontario (except Thunder Bay), the province of Quebec, and in areas of the state of New York having a zip code between 12000 and 12399 or between 12800 and 14999, which is roughly speaking all of the state of New York north of the forty-second parallel.
The current Seaway Section bylaws were approved in April 2018.
Executive Committee
Brad Emmons
Leah Bridgers
Elizabeth Wilcox
Gordon Craig
Jolie Roat
Hossein Shahmohamad
Jesse Clark-Stone
Jeff Johannes
Standing Committees
Gehman Lecture Committee
Darren Narayan (Chair)Shay Fuchs
Kahtleen Kavanagh
Gordon Craig
Leah Bridgers (ex-officio as Chair Elect)
Randolph Lecture Committee
Daniel M. Look (Chair)Jane Cushman
Adam Giambrone
Claudio Di Marco (ex-officio as Two-Year College Rep)
Clarence Stephens Distinguished Teaching Award Committee
Hossein Shahmohamad (Chair)Keary Howard
Cheri Boyd
Jolie Roat (ex-officio as Secretary)
Educational Policy Committee
Jane Cushman (Chair)Tedi Cox
Sarah Hanusch
Katelynn Kochalki
Charlie Ragozzine (ex-officio as Representative)
Nominations Committee
Gary Towsley (Chair)Patti Frazer Lock
Ryan Gantner
Jolie Roat
Seaway NExT Advisory Committee
Dan Visscher (Chair)Keiko Dow
Nate Reff
Adam Giambrone
Student Program Committee
Keiko Dow (Chair)Joel Louwsma
Ahmad Almomani
Other Positions on the Extended Executive Committee
Liaison Coordinator - Jeff Johannes
Public Information Officer - Christine Uhl
Webmaster - Cesar Aguilar
Seaway Section Ad-hoc Committees
Program Committee
Brad Emmons (Chair)Marlo Brown
Jeff Johannes
Seaway Distinguished Lecturer Committee
David Brown (Chair)Joel Louwsma
Jeff Johannes
Gordon Craig (ex officio as Treasurer)
Venues Committee
VacantBusiness Meeting Minutes
Treasurer's Report
Previous Committee Assignments
Governor's Report
At the annual business meeting of the MAA on January 7, 2017, the MAA membership adopted a new leadership structure and updated its bylaws. As a result of the new structure, the position of Sectional Governor was eliminated and was replaced by Section Representative. The last report of the Seaway Governor was submitted at the Spring 2017 Seaway Meeting (Seaway Current, Vol. 41, No. 1).