Call for Section News and articles!

The deadline to submit articles and Section News announcements to the Seaway Current is Friday, August 30.  Some ideas for information to include in Section News announcements includes recent retirements; new hires; department initiatives, successes, or events that might be of interest to folks across the section; publications by departmentments; recommended reading for faculty or students ... Remember that the information that you submit to the Section News is just to keep us all informed about interesting tidbits that happen across our large, far-reaching section ... it doesn't have to be earth-shaking or super-dramatic to be interesting.

And, if you or someone you know has an article idea that you'd like to develop and publish in the Current, please get in touch with the Seaway Current editor, Elizabeth Wilcox!  The deadline to submit such contributions is also Friday, August 30 but communicating earlier about your ideas can help get your work to publication.